
6 a side football in Bracknell – Join leagues and teams

5 a side and 6 a side football in Bracknell.
5 a side and 6 a side football in Bracknell.

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Small sided football – 6 a side football in this case is a great way to get fit and improve in fast moving matches on state of the art surfaces.

We’ve listed here all the six a side leagues we can find in Bracknell and the surrounding areas as well as the websites of the leagues for you to find more information on.

If you run a league then please feel free to fill out the form at the bottom of the page.


Bracknell Leisure Centre – Play Football

Match times: 40 minutes Kick offs: Contact to confirm

Visit the Play Football website.

Easthampstead Park School – Powerplay

Match times: 36 minutes Kick offs: Between 8pm and 10pm

Visit the Powerplay website.

Bracknell Town FC – SoccerSixes

Match times: 40 minutes Kick offs: Between 7pm and 10pm

Visit the SoccerSixes website.


We’ve not spotted any yet on a Tuesday. Update this via our contribute page.


Bracknell Leisure Centre – Play Football

Match times: 40 minutes Kick offs: Contact to confirm

Visit the Play Football website.


Bracknell Leisure Centre – Play Football

Match times: 45 minutes Kick offs: Contact to confirm

Visit the Play Football website.

Bracknell Town FC will be cut into the side of the pitch. Photo: Kayne Steinborn-Busse.
Play 6 a side football at Bracknell Town FC. Photo: Kayne Steinborn-Busse.


We’ve not spotted any yet on a Friday. Update this via our contribute page.


We’ve not spotted any yet on a Saturday. Update this via our contribute page.


Bracknell Town FC – SoccerSixes

Match times: 40 minutes Kick offs: Between 7pm and 10pm

Visit the SoccerSixes website.

Need to add a league? Fill out the form below. Want to join a team – small sided or 11 a side? Visit our Play Football page here.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’5 and 6 a side leagues’][contact-field label=’League Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Area’ type=’select’ options=’Ascot,Bracknell,Wokingham,East Berkshire’/][contact-field label=’Venue’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

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