Nominations for the 2020 Berkshire Football Awards supported by PlaySport are now open, but before you go and start your nominations, have a read through the categories for this year.
More on the Berkshire Football Awards: All the 2020 winners and what was said Categories | Hall of Fame
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Berkshire Football Awards supported by PlaySport.
Most Improved Ground
We’re looking for the ground that’s taken what its got, and improved on it. Maybe it’s one small part of the ground that’s been bettered or perhaps the whole space.
Supporter of the season
Clubs supporters at this level are to be treated like gold dust. Is there one who’s followed your side home and away come rain or shine? Perhaps they’ve simply backed the team to the hilt all year.
Volunteer of the Season

There wouldn’t be a football scene in Berkshire without these men and women who’s efforts go largely unsung outside of their clubs. Whether they are managing an under 11s or jumping on a tractor to cut the grass and paint lines. We want to hear about these people!
Best Photo
We have some great photographers sharing photos with us, but is there one that stands out? Are there images that we’ve not seen? Let us know – and don’t forget to include a link.
Goal of the Season
This one is only going to work if we can see video clips, so if you want to nominate a goal make sure you have a link to the video!
Best website or Social Media presence
We know only too well how valuable the club or league website has become. We also understand how much time it takes keeping the darn things up to date, so tell us which website has impressed you this season! This could also be an impressive club or league social media account.
Best Isolation Engagement Campaign or Content
An unprecedented season that saw football, at least in non league, left unfinished thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic. What has followed is a period of isolation, with the void partly filled by clubs and players producing some great, funny, uplifting and educational content. What was your favourite?
Reporter of the Season
Does your club have a brilliant match reporter? Is there someone in the local media who’s done a great job publicising your club?
Outstanding contribution to local football

Not everyone can commit a season to a club, but they can create one outstanding moment of contribution. Did a sponsor stump up for an away day coach? Was Billy’s dad out all night pushing water off the pitch?
Manager of the Season
Some managers are volunteers. Other managers do it as a second career. It depends on the level, this award celebrates the art of managing a football team. Did your gaffer save you from relegation, did you runaway with the league or have they just helped you improve your game personally?
Referee of the Season
It’s a cliché, but being a referee is a bit of a thankless task but the reality is we wouldn’t have a game without them. So tell us who has been a top notch referee this season.
Young Player of the Season (Female)

Who’s stood out for you this season? Who’s improved? Who’s had a brilliant season? For young female players. Limited to players between the ages of 16 and 21.
Young Player of the Season (Male)
Who’s stood out for you this season? Who’s improved? Who’s had a brilliant season? For young male players. Limited to players between the ages of 16 and 21.
Player of the Season (Female)
Who has been the best female player you’ve watched or played with locally this season?
Player of the Season (Male)
Who has been the best male player you’ve watched or played with locally this season?
The Darrell Freeland Award for service to the local game

Chosen by the judges as a single person who has given outstanding service to the grassroots games in Berkshire.
Nominations are closed
Sorry, nominations for the 2020 awards are now closed.
Award Nomination Rules
- Nominations will close at 10pm on Sunday 14th June 2020
- Nominations must have an association with Berkshire, either through a club, competition or place of residence. For example, if you live in Basingstoke but volunteer at Thatcham Town, you would be eligible
- The awards night will be on Wednesday 17th June 2020
- You can nominate as many people as you like for each award
- Due to difficulties in obtaining permissions under child protection law we won’t consider any player under the age of 16 for nomination in any of the categories