Combined Counties League Division One Windsor have promoted Russell Taylor to the position of First Team Manager.
The Jacks have moved quickly to replace Garry Haylock who took the position vacated by Jon Underwood at Beaconsfield Town.
A statement released by the club said: “Windsor FC is pleased to announce the appointment of Russell Taylor as the new Windsor FC Manager; following the appointment earlier this week of former Manager Garry Haylock as the new Manager at Beaconsfield Town, Windsor’s partner club.”
Club chairman Kevin Stott added: “Russell joined us in February this year as Garry Haylock’s Assistant and it is a testament to his contribution to date that we are promoting him to Manager from within.”
“As well as having an exceptional knowledge of local football, Russell’s extraordinary energy and enthusiasm for the club made this an easy appointment for us.”

His first task this week has been to oversee the Windsor trials held on Monday evening at Holloways Park, which attracted more than 80 would be Windsor players keen to turn out for ‘The Jacks’ next season.
Additionally Stott confirmed to Football in Berkshire that Windsor would continue to groundshare with Beaconsfield Town next season, along with a third side, Combined Counties League Premier Division North Hilltop.