Quiz nights and eSports – two great new events for 2020

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2020 marks a new decade, resolutions of course, and two great new events backed by Football in Berkshire that will include an inter-club quiz night and a new FIFA20 eSports league.

FiB can take absolutely zero credit for either of the following events, we’ve simply lent our name and support to ideas from Wokingham & Emmbrook’s Graham Tabor and Berks County’s Ellis Woods.

Full details on both events below, but you’ll need to act fast to get your teams in!

Full Time Inter-Club Sports Quiz

Get your team in and represent your club now!

Questions will be based around popular sports and based on video clips that will be shown in the club house.

Will your team be the one’s to lift the Full Time Quiz trophy? The winning team will host the next quiz! There may also be other prizes..

Maximum of six people per team. Entry is £30 per team (or £5 per person). We are looking for one entry per club. Send your entries to g.tabor@ntlworld.com

The quiz will be hosted at Wokingham & Emmbrook FC, Lowther Road, Wokingham on Friday 17th January starting at 7.30pm.

eBerkshire League 2020

Join the new FIFA20 eSports league now!

An online league played on the FIFA20 PS4 football game with league fixtures to be played throughout January, February and March 2020. The league will start on January 1st 2020 and players can play fixtures against opponents whenever they like. Full list of rules available on application.

Entry fee to join the league is £10 and prizes will be confirmed once a full roster of players is signed up. To enter, contact Elliswoods@hotmail.co.uk. The deadline for entries is December 30th.

You won’t need to leave your house for this one!

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