A Wokingham pub run by a stalwart supporter of local football is backing the town’s new women’s football team, and FootballinBracknell.
The White Horse landlord Clive McNelly has stepped up to sponsor the kit for Wokingham & Emmbrook’s new ladies team which kicked off it’s first ever season on Sunday.
The new team has formed from an amalgamation of former Bracknell Town players and members of the Suma’s under 18 side.
McNelly – who has a long history of involvement with the club and managed the men’s first team last season – took over the running of the pub on Easthampstead Road at the end of 2016 and in addition to supporting the ladies team has kindly provided support to FiB taking out a season long advertising package.

The ladies team play out of the clubs Lowther Road ground which is expected to undergo a transformation in the coming year after planning permission was granted in 2016 for floodlights and a 100 seater stand.
Classic Clive: ‘Two defeats in four days and now I’ve got to wash the kit!’
The team play in the Southern Region Women’s Football League Division 1 North alongside borough neighbours Woodley United and kicked off their season on Sunday with a 3-2 defeat at Barton Rovers – Alice Lilley scoring both goals for the newly formed side.
If you fancy popping in to the pub and saying hello to Clive and the family (and we urge you to do so having been ourselves!) then the address is The White Horse
Easthampstead Road, Wokingham, RG40 3AF. You can find the pub website online here.
Keep up with all the latest women’s football news on FootballinBracknell by following our dedicated twitter feed @fib_women.