At Football in Berkshire we try out best to cover as much local football as possible, and to help us get that information out to you we’ve set up a few automatic Twitter feeds that will push out information about the area of the county you live in or are interested in, as soon as it is available.
If you are on Twitter, why not give them a follow, you can also set up Twitter notifications so you’ll be prompted whenever we share something.
So which regions are available?
We also have a dedicated Women’s Football account @fib_women and publish content through the Bracknell & District Sunday League account.
All these feeds are all automatic with the occasional manual tweet from us – and you can follow our main twitter account here.
Want to get a notification of new content?
That’s easy, you can go on to any Twitter account profile (click on any of the links above to go to the profile) and click the ‘bell’ icon that’s situated just to the left of Follow/Following. Once you’ve done that you’ll start receiving notifications on your phone (don’t worry it’s not many, and you can always turn them off).
We’ve circled the button in yellow below.

This will send a Twitter popup to your smartphone every time one of our accounts posts a new piece of information – and you won’t miss a thing.
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