It’s Thursday 27th March 2025 and it is Non-League’s answer to Transfer Deadline Day.
But don’t expect to much fanfare, if previous experiences are anything to go by, most clubs have signed all the players they are going to and announced the across social media.
Because while there is a ‘deadline’ element to it (5pm), players aren’t having medicals and hanging around in the car outside the training ground waiting for news.
A few years ago Duds wrote a brilliant explainer on what non-league transfers actually are and how the 7-day approach rule works, and it’s as useful today as it was then.
So while we’re all excited to see whether Alan Devonshire brings anyone in at Maidenhead United, or Jamie Tompkins bolsters Ascot United’s play-off hopes, we suspect it’ll be another quiet one!
Read more about Non-League Transfer Deadline Day and why it is in place here.