Damage at Kintbury Rangers and CCTV.
Damage at Kintbury Rangers and CCTV.

Kintbury Rangers suffer second break-in in two years

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A Kintbury Rangers club member has described a second break-in in two years at the Recreation Ground as ‘devastating’.

The Uhlsport Hellenic League Division Two side, who had a safe taken, alcohol, a laptop and tablet, have released CCTV images on social media and are now appealing for anyone with information to come forward to police.

Secretary Nick Wason has said the raid would undoubtedly slow down plans at the club for groundworks that would enable Rangers to move up the English Football Pyramid: “We’re planning to do groundworks next summer to get the ground up to spec so our first team can apply for promotion. This will obviously affect that financially, not what was stolen but the cost of the damage they caused.”

Related: Six reasons to visit Kintbury Rangers FC

Describing the break-in as ‘devastating’, Wason added: “It is certainly devastating given the amount of time our volunteers put into the club. It’s an asset to the village and all money is put back into improving our facilities.

“The safe was stolen along with some alcohol, laptop and tablet. A couple of days into lockdown the club was broken into, much the same as today with the safe, alcohol and snacks stolen. It took weeks to repair the damage, in a way lockdown helped in that we had months to fix [after the first break-in] before we were allowed to reopen.”

If you have any information on the break-in at Kintbury Ranger, please contact police using crime reference number 36620092021.

The following images were released by Kintbury from CCTV at the football club.

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