Caversham United looking for volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to support the continued running and development of Caversham United Football Club. There are a number of areas in which we would appreciate help, including:

  • Coaching: either regular coaching sessions or on an ad-hoc basis, in support of our team(s).
  • Management: we may need managerial support on the pitch in 2021-22, and have opportunities available.
  • Website: an overall of our website is needed, including updating most sections.
  • General administration

If you’d like to get involved in helping us grow as a club, please do get in touch via or via @cavershamunited on social media.

This article was submitted via our community contribution service that allows clubs to post match reports, club news and advertise positions within the club directly to Football in Berkshire. If you would like your club to have access to the service you can apply here.

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