Tournament Sponsorship

As well as raising money through entering a team, there are additional sponsorship opportunities available.

Headline Tournament Sponsor (£2,000 + VAT)

Lead sponsor of the event. Prominent logo and link on the competition website. Logo on the trophies and prime spots on the pop-up banner and part of tournament logo on shirts. Double page spread in programme.

Day Partner

Logo and links on tournament website, logo on sponsors board and one kit shirt sleeve. Page in programme.

Additional sponsorship options

As we build up to the tournament – there will undoubtedly be additional costs and opportunities. If you would like to join our Tournament mailing list please fill out the brief form below. Opportunities include:
  • Referee sponsor
  • Goal Flash / Social Media sponsor
  • Volunteer Sponsor (likely T-shirts)
  • Packages could be made available (food / drink / seating) for businesses wishing to make a day of it