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Lamb & McGrotty: Ex-players and rival managers lead tributes to departing Ascot United FC duo

Ascot United's Jeff Lamb. Photo: Mark Pugh.
Ascot United's Jeff Lamb. Photo: Mark Pugh.

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Former Ascot United player Rob Saunders and Binfield manager Roger Herridge have led the tributes to Jeff Lamb and Paul McGrotty after the duo announced their resignations at the Racecourse Ground on Wednesday morning.

Saunders played under the pair at Ascot and tweeted: What is @grotty8 going to do on Satdees?! He and Jeff led the best side the club has ever seen and me to some of my best days in football.


Herridge, manager of Hellenic Premier League neighbours Binfield tweeted McGrotty: ‘Our will to win saw us fall out at times but always had 100% respect for you.’

Bracknell News sports reporter Dave Wright said:

And there were similar messages of support for the pair..


While Saunders has categorically defintely absolutely ruled himself out of the running (we haven’t though)..


And Dave has some thoughts as speculation around who might take over at Ascot Racecourse mounts..

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